July 23, 2012

To My Awesome Cyberfriends!

It doesn't matter what you wear
What you eat or what you weigh.
Who cares if your hair's a total mess
Or if you're hundreds of miles away?

To see you in my contact list
Whenever you're online
Reminds me of how glad I am
That you're all friends of mine!

Whenever I need to rant or rave
You're always there for me,
You hear me out on everything
And we so rarely disagree!

Whether there's a problem to solve
Or a funny story to tell,
Though we listen with our eyes,
We understand each other so well.

We've got games right at our fingertips
And funny greetings too,
Whenever I'm at my computer,
There's ALWAYS! ! ! ! ! !
something to do! So here's
to you, my cyberfriends,
You really are the best!!

You make the web sure feel like home
And for that I feel so blessed!


  1. Expresses a lot of truth there. I look forward to the chats every day and the comments. It fits with our lifestyle. Always find joy when an alert shows up from Rose.

    Love from Pennsylvania

  2. Aww. That was a really nice poem!!

  3. Same here Rose, I love my cyber family.. Sending all those good wishes back at you !

  4. LOVE the poem. thanks for posting it. It's exactly how I feel about my blog buddies and you. take care.

  5. I like my little cyber family as well. Neat poem.

