March 13, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

It's almost that time again to raise your glass and wear some green because everyone is Irish on St. Paddy's day!

I have a friend from Ireland and she told me things I never knew like......Did you know the original color associated with St. Patrick was blue, not green?  However over the years the color green and its association with St. Patrick's day grew.

My girlfriend also told me that she and her family never ate corned beef and cabbage on St. Paddy's Day!  Hmmmmmmmmmmm!  So, who started all these traditions here in the United States?

Well, I'm not Irish but this Italian gal will raise my glass of Johnny Walker and make a toast with my Irish friends.  I probably won't be wearing green either.....maybe someone will pinch me!!!!!!!!!  LOL




  1. I love celebrating all the holidays but St.Patricks Day is special for me. I know there is a smidgen of Irish in me for sure. Happy St Patricks day to you too!

  2. Sherry burst out laughting at the Kissy graphics!
    As a kid I never knew anything about nationalities. We moved into a town that had been founded by Waldensians . They were straight out of Italy. I never thought of them as Italians, just Americans, absolutely wonderful folk.
    When I heard Polish Jokes growing up, I honestly didn’t know what a Pole was, and never associated it with a nationality. BUT I did associate Green with Irish, and did not know why. Upon joining the USMC I met a wonderful Irish Guy. He explained my heritage (on mama’s side) to me. I could sit for hours and listen to his singing of Irish ditties. I have learned there about 4000 verses to Danny Boy. Ha!
    So the label will be ‘Pinch me, I’m not Irish’ huh?
    Love the entry as always!
    Sherry & Jack, love from us ‘Stuck in North Carolina’.
    PS: hope the weather there is Florida, finally!

  3. I love St Paddy's Day. Having been raised in Boston, this is one of those times I really miss the city.
    But here in my neighorhood, we do have the wearing of the Green. I just hope to get well enough to enjoy it :)

  4. I'll pinch you....Twice...

    Happy St. Paddy's Day!


  5. Well I am Irish and I love cabbage and blue is my favorite color. Just thought you might like to know. lol
