My girlfriend provided me with a CD to help me meditate. Sometimes, I just can't sit still long enough to listen to the entire tape. She thought it would aid me with my insomnia.
I also have purchased some books on meditation and took up Yoga, all with anticipation that I will get a good night's sleep.
I try to put positive thinking into action. I always take the time to write a note or email expressing my gratitude for good customer service. Of course, I also write when bad customer service is experienced and you are outsourced to India!!! We all have experienced that ordeal. But, I love making someone feel good and also notify their employer what a superb job the person has done. That also helps that person when evaluation time rolls around and I guarantee a raise will be in store for that individual.
I try so hard to allow myself to become immersed in positive thinking, as I start to see it affect other aspects of my life, it makes me feel like a better person. At a grocery store when you have a cart full of groceries and the person behind you has only one or two items you may find yourself saying, "please go ahead of me since you only have a few items" and that person's gratitude will make your day. Today, this man behind me had a couple of items and one item was a bouquet of flowers he was purchasing for someone special I guess, after I allowed him to go ahead of me....he took out one long stem yellow rose from the bouquet and handed it to me with gratitude. I was so impressed. That made my day!
An act of kindness goes a long way. Sometimes, we come across some really nasty people and it is so difficult to be kind to them....we all know what that feels like whether at a grocery store, in the office, on the road, at the movies, on the phone with customer service, etc.
Sounds like you on the right path with a more positive attitude. That was sweet, when the gentleman gave you a rose in reward for your kindness. (Hugs) Indigo