November 27, 2008

faLALALALALAbulous holiday season!

Roses Are Read Trees

Well, we have all celebrated the Thanksgiving festivities and now are you all ready to start with the Christmas decorating and shopping?

What’s the difference between trimming a Christmas tree and painting Easter eggs? About $327.40! Ever think about that?

Everyone now will be out and about doing their Christmas shopping and attending all those Christmas parties and worrying. Oh what to wear? And, those damn cell phones going off!

Tis the season of crass consumption, credit card debt and screaming children! Oh, the stress! But also a fun time of the year, everyone is jolly and the children are excited waiting for Santa, the family gatherings, the baking and cooking, decorating the tree, wrapping presents…yatta….yatta…yatta!

And, it isn’t easy being a snowman either! Just think about it.....…...You’ve got little kids pounding your belly until the roundness is just right, a nose so long and pointy…it’s a plastic surgeon’s dream and the only way to get out of the cold is to melt yourself into oblivion!

Well, Christmas comes but once a year but all of you are in my thoughts all year long.

Wishing everyone a faLALALALALAbulous holiday season!

Rose Signature

November 21, 2008

Nice Surprise...thanks Jimmy Sullivan!

Internet Friends
I was the surprised recipient of the Marie Antoinette Award today! And thank you to my friend Jimmy Sullivan!

The Marie-Antoinette, A Real Person, A Real Award

Here are the rules:

1. Please put the logo on your Journal
2. Place a link to the person from whom you received the award
3. Nominate at least 7 or more Journals
4. Put the links of those Journals on your Journal
5. Leave a message on their Journals to tell them

Thank you, dear Jimmy. If you've never read Jimmy's Journal, you have been living under a rock! I get my daily chuckle from Jimmy and he is a wonderful writer as well, so receiving this award from him is special.

I believe I forgot how to hyperlink so I will do my best to nominate some great Journalers! I really hate the word Blog. Also, I know some of you have received this award already perhaps, if so, then you deserve to receive it again!

November 15, 2008

Christmas Spirit?

Internet Friends

I can’t believe it…….it is November 15th and already the stores are decorated and the Christmas music is blaring!

Is everyone in the Christmas spirit? I can’t believe that some people in my neighborhood have jumped the gun even before Thanksgiving! They have their skeletal, mechanical, head-wagging reindeer out on their lawns. They have their Christmas lights blazing and their wreaths hung over the grills of their SUVs, even before the Thanksgiving turkey has been carved! Why is it that Thanksgiving is being brushed over so quickly these days?

I’m philosophically opposed to the blending of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I don’t like mixing the reds and greens of Christmas with the browns and gold of Thanksgiving. But Thanksgiving, unlike Christmas, isn’t a holiday that lingers long. So, by now, most people already said goodbye pilgrims, hello elves! Now, where did I put those Christmas lights??? LOL

Florida SantaChristmas in Florida is something you never get used to because of the weather. And, Santa wearing shorts! I complain about all the decorating but if you don’t do them…it would seem strange and somehow empty and, as if I had renounced my childhood or turned a deaf ear to the music that seems to require some visual stimulation. Like them or not, rituals are important. The bigger, the sillier, the more overboard, the better!

I suppose we all get overburdened with the holiday cheer, over the limit in Nutcrackers, Snowmen and Santas. It’s enough cheer to get a person depressed, if you don’t watch out. But I will say Ho, Ho, Ho while rummaging through my boxes clearly marked “Christmas”. So, are all of you starting to search in your garage, cellar, or where ever your storage unit is located … hunt through the boxes for the Christmas decorations?

November 5, 2008

Change can happen!

Wow, Obama scored an Electoral College landslide that redrew America's political dynamics!

Oh, glass was full and overflowing! I always felt wedged between the folds of everyday life's experiences, I have now decided that coping is not enough for most of us "pressure-cooker" people in the world. The people spoke and the people were heard.

The flow of goodwill most definitely poured to Obama's side, even as developments made it so clear how heavy a weight will soon be pressure on his shoulders since he has inherited the serious problems of this country and abroad.

According to the dictionary, to cope is "to struggle or contend on fairly even terms." That to me, sounds like treading water but never getting to shore! We all know that Obama's new life in the White House will be a stress-saturated life but I'm sure he will do more than cope when any big wave comes along! I believe he will do more than just keep his head above water. He is a brilliant, intelligent man who graduated from Harvard and he will be surrounded by other brilliant, intelligent people.

I certainly never thought I would experience an African-American as President of the United States in my life time. I believe not since FDR won the 1932 election has a president-elect faced so many problems both here and abroad like Obama is facing now.

With all the sadness and turmoil going on the the world, we definitely need a wake-up call to remove all the lemons that people put into the menu of life! Lemons are good only on food!

Obama started his Victory Speech by saying:

Hello, Chicago..........

If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

Wow, how true….only in America!